On Friday, Google announced it’s rolling out some new features for its video chat app. No, not that one, the other one. No, the other other one.Read more...
California’s 20 million-plus registered voters will be issued mail-in ballots for the upcoming November election, Governor Gavin Newsom announced Friday. In-person voting will remain available, albeit with new restrictions due to public health concerns regarding the covid-19 pandemic.Read more...
In the days following the birth of X Æ A-12, a human baby recently born to Grimes and fathered by Elon Musk, I have tried my best to just ignore the fact that two wealthy people have procreated and saddled that progeny with a code from a rejected Dan Brown novel rather than a name. But upon hearing both parents’…Read more...
The New York Police Department hasn’t let the coronavirus pandemic go to waste when it comes to pulling the same racist bullshit: The agency issued 374 criminal summonses related to alleged violations of the city’s social distancing guidelines between March 16 and May 5—and over 81 percent of them went to New Yorkers…Read more...
Google and Facebook have told most employees to keep working from home for the rest of the year as part of a response by the tech giants to the deadly coronavirus pandemic.